Confused about where to start with solids? 

I know the thought of it all can be way too overwhelming. You’ve probably heard a million different opinions, you’re scared of doing the wrong thing and gagging freaks you out!

Or maybe you’ve started with some purees and finger foods, but don’t know where to go after banana, avocado and sweet potato.

The thing is…getting this ‘right’ is really important to you because it sets up the foundation for your baby’s health and their relationship with food for years to come.

But it’s so confusing and even scary and you don’t want to get it wrong. 

So I’m here to walk you through step-by-step!

From the latest infant feeding and gut health research and up-to-date guidelines on food introduction including common allergen foods to helpful tips and advice that make your life a whole lot easier.

My role as a nutritionist is to help guide you through the amount of overwhelming information and choices so that you can feel confident that you’re introducing solids in a way that supports your baby’s growth and development and helps them to develop a positive relationship with food that will help to set them up for a thriving life. 

I have worked with hundreds of mums to help them introduce solids to their babies and not only has this helped them to know when their baby is ready and what to feed them, but the long term results have meant that as they grow into toddlers, they have a foundation to become healthy, happy little eaters.

“I don’t want to sound soppy, but I honestly do not know what I would have done if I hadn’t joined the Get It Right From the First Bite Program!!! Before joining the program I was feeling so overwhelmed about starting my son on solids - everyone has an opinion but I knew that I wanted to start right and not start him on packaged foods and given that I have allergies/sensitivities I was concerned he would too. There have been so many benefits to completing this program!

— Kerri, Mum to Liam

Example Curriculum

  Welcome to the Get it Right From Their First Bite Program!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 1: Building Blocks
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 2: Introducing Whole Foods
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 3: Timing & Techniques
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 4: Expanding Your Knowledge & Baby's Diet
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

“It was so good to not only learn about the right foods to be feeding my baby, but also how to pick and read packaged food labels and understand what’s in them. It’s given me guidelines and understanding so I’m not so concerned about what to give my baby. Even if we do have to use a back-up packaged food, I’m making educated choices on which ones and can get back on track for the next meal with confidence. The program is so informative on what foods are good and why, and you will be able to make more informed decisions when choosing food for your baby. It’s also delivered in a way that you can do it at your own pace”

— Clarissa, Mum to Maggie

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Have fun with it!

Have fun with it!

Don’t let stress and overwhelm get the best of this exciting time!

From introducing the very first finger foods, to learning how to incorporate new flavours and textures safely, you’ll know exactly what, when and how to do it to ensure a stress-free, fun eating experience that will give your baby a lifetime of healthy eating habits!

Meal Plans

Meal plans suitable from their very first taste of food to 12 months and beyond. You'll have a meal plan to suit whichever way you choose to feed your baby whether it's spoon-feeding purees, baby-led weaning or a mixed approach.


Simple and easy to follow recipes that nourish your baby's gut health and provide all the nutritionist they need alongside breast or formula feeding.


The Resource Library is packed with helpful tools including a guide to using supplements, a food & symptom journal, a guide on introducing common allergen foods and more.

“Learning about the importance of building a strong foundation with the help of ten foundational foods and the importance of the timing of when to introducing these foods was valuable to me. For me cost was a factor when deciding to enrol and I was concerned about whether the program was going to provide me with information that I already knew. However, I found the program simple and easy to follow and Jo to be very knowledgeable. I’ve already recommended it to my mother’s group and to friends!”

— Brooke, Mum to Hudson

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Hi, I'm Jo 

As mothers, we often take on the main role of deciding what and how our family eats. We do the research, we learn or develop the skills, we do the trial and error. We also do the bulk of the worrying…

Introducing solids is no different.

When it was time for me to start solids to my youngest, I felt completely overwhelmed. The information about when to start and what to feed him kept changing and he seemed to struggle with everything I offered.

The more research I did, the more confused I was about what to do.

This led me to studying a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional Medicine where I learned the importance of gut health and how our relationship with food can affect our long term health and wellbeing.

Studying a degree in nutrition isn’t exactly everyone’s cup of tea, so I have done the research, dissected the theory and worked with hundreds of families so that I can support you to lay the foundations of healthy, happy little eaters.


Who is this program for?

If you are getting ready to introduce solids for the first time, or you’ve started, but you’re stuck or need some guidance, then this program is for you. It would also suit you if your baby is between 10-12 months old and is struggling with the introduction of finger foods and you’re not sure how to serve them safely. 

Do I need any special equipment?

No, you don't need any special equipment, however I do provide a list of kitchen tools & utensils that can help making your baby's food a little easier.

Could I just find all this information online for free?

You can find just about anything online these days, but does that mean it's actually valuable? Not necessarily! One of the reasons I created this program is because there is so much incorrect and outdated information online about how to introduce solids. "Get it Right From Their First Bite" will always be updated with the latest evidence-based research, so you never have to worry about being fed information that is out of date.

How is the program delivered?

Within the program, there is a mix of a mix of video, audio and written content with downloadable PDF resources so no matter how you prefer to learn, we've got you covered. 

What’s your refund policy?

Because I’m a mum too and want you to walk away feeling satisfied with the content in this course, I offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you truly feel the course was incomplete based on the information I’ve provided on this website page and show examples of how. All you need to do is let me know within 7 days of purchasing and complete the following steps:

– Tell me what information you expected inside the online course ‘Get it Right From Their First Bite’, that was not provided to you inside the course. What did you see advertised and expect that you did not get once you were inside the program?

Your feedback and honesty is always appreciated!